Privacy Policy

We will comply with laws and other regulations regarding the protection of personal information of our customers, business partners, employees, and related parties that we use in the course of our business and will strive to properly manage and protect such personal information.

  • 1. Our company will acquire, use, and provide personal information lawfully and fairly, and will not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specified purposes of use. We will also take measures to prevent the information from being used for any other purpose.
  • 2. Our company will comply with laws, regulations, national guidelines and other standards regarding the handling of personal information, and will handle personal information appropriately.
  • 3. To ensure the safety of personal information (to prevent leakage, loss, or damage), we will establish a company-wide system for promoting the protection of personal information within the company, provide education on information security, and implement physical safety measures for our facilities and specialized technical security measures for our systems, thereby achieving comprehensive safety management. In addition, in the promotion system for personal information protection, we will take corrective action regarding any non-compliance and ensure appropriate protection of personal information.
  • 4. We have set up a consultation room that is always available to respond to complaints and inquiries from individuals, and have published information on contact, reception, and application procedures on our website and in various media to ensure that we can respond quickly and appropriately. We will keep a record of the responses and results and use them as resources for improvement.
  • 5. To ensure that our personal information protection activities do not fall behind or become out of sync with changes in the surrounding environment and conditions, we will periodically review our organization, personnel, and rules, and strive to continually improve and maintain an appropriate personal information protection management system.
  • 6. Complaints and inquiries regarding our handling of personal information are accepted at the following desk.

Contact point for inquiries regarding personal information
(Reception hours: 10:00-18:00, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and other company holidays)
TEL: 03-5795-1871
Date of enactment: April 1, 2021

Logitech Corporation
President and CEO Masaomi Kawamura

Handling of Personal Information

  • 1. Name, address, representative and manager of the business entity handling personal information

    Logitech Corporation
    23-5 Takanawa 4-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo
    Representative Director Masaomi Kawamura
    Personal Information Management Officer Manager of Planning and Operations Office
    Tel: 03-5795-1871 (Hours: 10:00-18:00, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and other company holidays)

  • 2. Purpose of Use of Personal Information
    The purposes for which personal information held by our company will be used are as follows:
    (1) Personal information of customers and business partners
    To carry out business entrusted to us by customers, such as warehouse work services.
    (2) Personal information of individuals who have registered for the services provided by our company (※1)
    *1This includes, but is not limited to, Logipalette and Sabakeru.
    To provide the relevant services
    To provide information about our services and request questionnaires
    (3) Personal information of individuals who have registered for temporary staffing services,recruitment services, and seminars provided by our company

    ①To carry out various procedures related to user registration
    ② To provide, operate, and contact the services you use
    ③To provide information regarding the services used
    ④To provide application information to the employer you wish to apply for through job placement services
    ⑤To send emails and make phone calls regarding job information
    ⑥To improve and enhance the services we provide (including but not limited to services currently in use)
    ⑦To request cooperation in questionnaire surveys regarding our business activities
    ⑧To respond to inquiries, etc.

    (4) Personal information of individuals who have registered for Logicollege training

    ①To manage training
    ②To manage training attendance
    ③To provide training-related services
    ④To request cooperation in questionnaire surveys regarding training, etc.
    ⑤ To introduce jobs to those who have completed the training (only for registered dispatch workers)

    (5) Personal information of companies and individuals making inquiries
    To respond to inquiries and provide information about our services.
    (6) Personal information of employees of our company
    For attendance management, safety management, and other administrative procedures.
    (7) Personal information of job applicants
    To contact job applicants and conduct employment selection.
    (8) Personal information of employees and their families
    To handle procedures such as personnel and labor management, employee benefits, etc.
  • 3. Voluntary provision of personal information and points to note

    (1) The provision of personal information is voluntary; however, please note that we may not be able to respond to your request if the required items in your application or inquiry are not filled in or if the information is inaccurate.
    (2) In cases where the Company directly holds personal information, the Company is under no obligation to return it in any medium.

  • 4. Provision of personal information to third parties

    Personal information held by our company will not be provided to third parties except in the following cases:
    (1) When necessary information has been specified or notified to the individual in advance and the individual’s consent has been obtained
    (2) When required by law

  • 5. Consignment of personal information

    Entrustment of personal information We may entrust personal information to external business operators to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use set out in 2 above. We will select contractors who meet the standards for protecting personal information set by our company, and will only entrust the services to them after signing a contract to ensure proper management.

  • 6. Joint Use

    We will jointly use the personal information we hold as follows:
    6.1 Information on employees of business partners
    (1) Items of personal information to be jointly used
    Name, company name, department name, job title, address, e-mail address, telephone number,
    fax number, etc.
    (2) Scope of parties to jointly use the information
    Our group companies (Click here for details)
    (3) Purpose of joint use
    ・To introduce and propose services provided by each group company
    ・To fulfill business transactions such as contracts, applications, and inquiries
    (4) Method of Acquisition
    Exchanging business cards, business negotiations, applications for transactions, applications for events and seminars, responding to inquiries about services, etc.
    (5) Person responsible for managing personal information to be jointly used
    Sougo Career Option Co., Ltd.
    Personal Information Management Officer
    Address: 2-4-1 Hamamatsucho, Minato-ku, Tokyo
    Representative: Kota Oizumi, Representative Director

  • 7. Matters concerning safety control measures

    We will take necessary and appropriate safety control measures to manage personal data, including preventing its leakage, loss, or damage. We also provide necessary and appropriate supervision to employees and contractors (including subcontractors, etc.) who handle personal data. The safety control measures for personal data are specifically set out in separate internal regulations, the main details of which are as follows: Please refer to 8. below regarding the outsourcing of the handling of personal information in foreign countries.
    (1) Formulating basic policies for implementing the various measures stipulated by laws, regulations and guidelines for the proper handling of personal information and personal data
    (2) Establishment of various regulations that define the roles and responsibilities of each department in the acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion, and disposal of personal information
    (3) Organizational safety control measures, such as appointing a person in charge, clarifying the scope of employees who handle personal data and the personal data to be handled, establishing a reporting and communication system to the person in charge when facts or signs of violations of laws and regulations are identified, and regular inspections of the handling status
    (4) Personnel safety control measures such as including matters concerning confidentiality of personal data in the work regulations and providing education and training on matters to be aware of regarding the handling of personal data.
    (5) Physical security control measures such as entry and exit management for employees, restrictions on devices brought in, and restrictions on and management of devices, electronic media, and documents that handle personal data to prevent theft or loss, etc.
    (6) Technical security measures, such as the introduction of systems to protect against unauthorized external access or unauthorized software to information systems that handle personal data

  • 8. Entrusted parties handling personal information in foreign countries

    We may entrust the processing of personal information to VIETNAM CAMCOM CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as the “Foreign Contractor”), a group company of our company located in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (hereinafter referred to as “Vietnam”), to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use set out in 2 above. Furthermore, the measures taken by our company when entrusting the handling of personal information to a foreign contractor are as follows:
    (1) Method of providing personal information to overseas contractors
    We provide personal information to overseas contractors through contracts concluded between our company and such contractors.
    (2) Measures implemented by foreign contractors
    The contract stipulates that the foreign contractor will only handle personal data within the scope of the commissioned work, will take necessary and appropriate safety control measures, and will provide necessary and appropriate supervision of employees.
    (3) Personal information protection system in Vietnam
    The personal information protection system in Vietnam is as described in the link below.
    (4) Frequency and method of confirmation
    We will verify the measures implemented by the overseas contractors mentioned in (2) above once a year by receiving a written report from the overseas contractors.
    (5) Suspension of provision of personal information
    If the overseas contractor handles personal information in a manner that violates the outsourcing contract, including the measures in (2) above, and even if we request that the contractor promptly correct the handling in accordance with the outsourcing contract, if the contractor does not correct the handling within a reasonable period of time and we determine that it is difficult to ensure the continued implementation of appropriate measures, we will cease providing personal information to the overseas contractor.

  • 9. Procedures for application for disclosure of personal information

    The procedure for responding to requests from individuals regarding their personal data held by the Company for notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of content, suspension of use, erasure, suspension of provision to third parties, and disclosure of records of provision to third parties (hereinafter referred to as “requests for disclosure, etc.”) is as follows.
    (1) Form for requesting disclosure, etc.
    The Disclosure Request Form can be downloaded here (in PDF format), but if you wish to receive it by mail, please contact the “Personal Information Inquiry Desk” at No. 11 below and provide your address, name, and mailing request.
    (2) Documents required for requesting disclosure, etc. and contact details
    Please send the following required documents by mail to the address listed in the “Personal Information Inquiry Desk.”

    ①Personal Information Disclosure Request Form
    ②Documents to verify your identity. If the request is made by an agent, the details will be as specified in the power of attorney or other document on the request form for personal information disclosure, etc.

    (3) Identity Verification
    Once we receive your request for disclosure of personal information, we will verify your identity based on the specific personal information we hold.
    (4) Fees for notification of purpose of use and disclosure of personal information
    The following fees will be charged only in cases of notification of purpose of use and disclosure of personal information (including disclosure of records of provision to a third party).

    ① Each request costs 2,000 yen (tax included).
    ② Please enclose 2,000 yen worth of postage stamps (20 of 100 yen stamps or any type of stamp) with the documents you are submitting.
    ③If the fee is insufficient or not enclosed, we will contact the claimant, but if payment is not made within the specified period, the claim will be treated as if it had not been made.

    (5) How to respond to requests for disclosure, etc.

    ① We will respond using the method you selected in your disclosure request.

    (6) Handling of personal information obtained when requesting disclosure, etc.
    It will conform to our handling of personal information. Please note that we will not return any personal information disclosure request forms or attached documents that you submit.

    (7) The following information is not subject to disclosure, and we cannot respond to requests for disclosure, etc.

    ① Anything that may be harmful to the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the person or a third party
    ② Anything that may encourage or induce illegal or unjust acts.
    ③ Anything that may hinder the prevention, suppression or investigation of crimes or the maintenance of public safety and order.c ④ Anything that may seriously impede the proper performance of our business
    ⑤ Personnel evaluation, performance appraisal, selection, etc.
    ⑥Personal information related to the business entrusted to us, about which we do not have the authority to disclose

  • 10. Acquisition of personal information through Cookies, etc.

    Our website uses Cookies to provide services customized for each user. These tools may collect system information required for viewing the page, information to verify that the user is the same person, the user’s behavioral history (pages accessed, content viewed, etc.), device information, location information, etc. This information does not include any information that could identify you as an individual. However, we may identify you by comparing it with information held by our company and use it for the purposes set out in 2 above.
    You can refuse to accept cookies by changing your browser settings; however, please note that if you do so, you may not be able to use some of the functions of our website.

  • 11. Contact point for inquiries regarding personal information

    For “requests for disclosure, etc.” and “complaints regarding personal information,” please contact us at the address below.
    〒108-0074 Room A, 7th floor, Shinagawa Station Building, 23-5 Takanawa 4-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo
    Logitech Corporation Personal Information Protection Office
    Tel: 03-5795-1871 (Weekdays 10:00-18:00)